Christy Heyen
Christy Heyen has been the founder and Director of the Wabash Valley Recovery Center since the doors opened in 2018. She is a Licensed Addictions Counselor, Licensed Practical Nurse, Certified Addiction Peer Recovery Coach II, and Certified Peer Recovery Supervisor. She is a proud wife and mother to 5 amazing children. She believes everyone deserves access to recovery support, no matter where they are in their journey and to be treated with respect in a way that is free of judgment and pressure.

Kristina Gruner
Kristina Gruner serves as the Assistant Director of the Wabash Valley Recovery Center. She has been employed here since 2019 and loves seeing people get their lives back and reunited with their children. Kristina is a Radiologic Technologist, a Certified Addictions Peer Recovery Coach, and a Certified Peer Recovery Supervisor. When she is not working, she loves spending time with her fiance and three sons.

Molly Isles
Molly Isles, BS, CAPRC II, CADAC II, is the Program Manager and Vigo County C.L.E.A.R. (Choose Law Enforcement Assisted Recovery) Coordinator. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human services specializing in addictions. While working at the Rockville Correctional Facility she earned her CADAC II (Certified Drug and Alcohol Counseling) certificate. During her time at RCF, she supervised the RWI (Recovery While Incarcerated) program as well as taught re-entry centered classes, and led addiction recovery programming. She is trained and certified in Moral Reconation and Dialectical Behavior therapy. Molly is passionate about her job and believes that peer support is critical to one’s recovery path. She is a person in long-term recovery and wants to continue to work with other recovery supports throughout the community to expand recovery ecosystems.